Critical Podium Dewanand

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Moderne Herkolonisatie Suriname, ism Forum voor Democratie (FVD olv Arische Katten Fuhrer Thierry Baudet (14,1888) (wfor1426 / Doc Size: Pages=10, DAB=22, Words=3197)


Moderne Herkolonisatie Suriname, ism Forum voor Democratie (FVD olv Arische Katten Fuhrer Thierry Baudet (14,1888) (wfor1426 / Doc Size: Pages=10, DAB=22, Words=3197)

Deeplink publicatie op Kritisch Podium Dewanand:

Offeraars		Waldo & Wieroe, & Co (T-Nanda, Bruinhomoaap, Brunswijk, Cindy en de quark constitutie: Waldo Dewanand Doerga)
Offercode		WFOR1426
Offerdatum		maandag 18 mei 2020

=====>> [wfor1426: M01] Inleiding
=====>> [wfor1426: M02-M11] (V1-V10) Tien voordelen Herkolonisatie Suriname door superieur, hi tech, blank/ Arisch Nederland
=====>> [wfor1426: M12] Verzoek leden Forum voor Democratie om mee te denken en te reageren
=====>> [wfor1426: M13] Messenger bericht aan postmoderne neonazi uit Duitsland
=====>> [wfor1426: M14] 40 jaar militaire Afro/ Bouta apartheids dictatuur in Suriname
=====>> [wfor1426: M15] NDP wint omdat meerderheid Surikoelie meiden op de lekkerste NDP negerlullen stemmen
=====>> [wfor1426: M16] Discriminatie is je eigen schuld Surizwartjes, slechte karma haha haha
=====>> [wfor1426: M17-M20] FVD en PVV zijn verplicht om extreem rechtse, en Postmoderne NEONAZI idealen na te streven
=====>> [wfor1426: M21] Persbericht: Herkolonisatie Suriname evt. i.s.m. Forum voor Democratie en Partij voor de Vrijheid
=====>> [wfor1426: M22] Disclaimer Dewanand

<> <> <> BEGIN [wfor1426: M01] - [wfor1426: M22] <> <> <>

=====>> [wfor1426: M01] Inleiding
Hierbij een beknopte analyse om nuchter, op z'n oer-Hollands te onderzoeken of het niet gewoon slimmer en intelligenter is om Suriname nu meteen op moderne, humane en beschaafde wijze te laten herkoloniseren door het superieure blank/ Westers, Arisch Arctische Nederland? Een brede maatschappelijke discussie hierover is nu hard nodig, met name de hele ruim 45.000 KAASkoppige aanhang van het Forum voor Democratie (FVD) wordt hierbij van harte uitgenodigd om ongecensureerd hen mening te geven op de centrale discussie pagina van onze wordpress blog, link:
(Eerste posting heeft moderatie door systeem, maar daarna kan je vrij posten, elke mening is waardevol)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

book publication: Holland paradise or hell?

Press Release Book: 'Holland: Paradise or Hell?' by Dewanand

Sacrificer           dewanand
Sacrifice code bookholland
Sacrifice date 10 April 2010
In his new nonfiction book Holland: Paradise of Hell? (published by AuthorHouse), debut author Dewanand reveals the good, the bad and the ugly parts about living in Holland, a country known around the world for clogs, windmills, tulips, cheeses, dunes, homosexuals, drugs and going Dutch.

Now you can experience the typical fruits of the Dutch paradise first-hand by exploring its real networking economy, its social securities, its caretaking and its rich, historical culture. Moreover, the dark side of the Netherlands is revealed as well in chilling, real-life examples of poverty and crime.

Explore this complicated society and its people with the best inside information about living in Holland and about the unique ways Dutch people live, think, make love and suffer in their paradise, which sometimes ought to be a real hell in Dewanand's insightful and reliable Holland: Paradise of Hell?, a book which offers quality information as it addresses culture with wit and humour.

Born in Surinam in 1966, Dewanand is a writer and researcher living in the Netherlands. He studied mechanical engineering at the Delft University of Technology. He has had Dutch-language articles published in Multined, Surinam Weeknews, Hindorama and Hindulife ezine, and almost 200 critical articles in Dutch have been published on his international website, Holland: Paradise of Hell? is the first book Dewanand has published in English and globally distributed.

read more on my site link:

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Critical Podium Dewanand


please visit my Dutch website.
The biggest in the Netherlands.

you are welcome,

Hindu writer and researcher
The Netherlands